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The Clara S. Witwer Memorial Pipe Organ

Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., Warrensburg, Missouri

2011, Opus 67, 3 manuals, 38 ranks, 54 stops, 2,344 pipes

Photo of Organ

About the Instrument

​ In 2004, our Centennial Organ Committee began research into a wide range of options for repairing, rebuilding or replacing our undersized and ailing 1907 Lyon & Healy organ, moved from Park Congregational Church to this location in 1957. Ultimately we entrusted to Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., of Warrensburg, Missouri, the task of giving our sanctuary a new instrument worthy of our second century of song. The Clara S. Witwer Memorial Pipe Organ was installed summer of 2011.  This 3-manual, 38-rank instrument is versatile in design.  Its dynamic range encompasses lush string stops as well as powerful reeds, and its color palette is equally varied, allowing the organ to accompany choral works, support congregational singing and perform all styles of organ literature.  Thanks to the practicality of Quimby’s design, it functions as would a much larger instrument and is a joy to play. More than 200 families made gifts to support the manufacture and installation of the organ. We are particularly grateful to the family of Clara S. Witwer, who made a major donation in her memory and to Marcia Osborn, who underwrote funding for the organ console in memory of her husband, Larry J. Osborn. Established in 1970, Quimby Pipe Organs Inc. specializes in building, enlarging, rebuilding, and restoring pipe organs. Michael Quimby is a distinguished artisan whose work is highly valued across the United States. Each instrument is custom planned, engineered and voiced for its own unique acoustical and liturgical setting, providing a visually attractive instrument that compliments the architecture of the room in which it is located.

First Congregational Church
United Church of Christ, Greeley

2101 16th Street

Greeley, CO 80631



Office Hours: 

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Sept. - May)

                                          10:00 am - 3:00 pm (June-Aug.)


Worship Services: Sunday at 8:00 am & 10:00 am, and Online HERE. 

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