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In Greeley for Good

Why Give?

For more than 150 years, First Congregational Church has been a part of the fabric of the Greeley community. While many things have changed with time, one remains: FCC exists to be In Greeley for Good. Gifts to First Congregational Church are the foundation upon which we sustain our ministries. Whether in worship, fellowship, or outreach to our wider community, your tax-deductible gifts allow us to imagine new ways in which we can be a beacon of hope by fulfilling God's call to be a place of love and inclusion in our community. 

Why Pledge?

Each year as we prepare our budgets, we aim to create a document that is reflective of the vision, values, and vibrancy of our community. A pledge is your commitment to the long-term vitality of our work in the community. Pledges enable us to ensure that our ministry plans for the coming year are in-line with our fiscal reality and help us to know we are being good stewards of our resources in the year to come. Your pledge helps us to ensure that we remain In Greeley for Good.

Giving Made Easy

Give automatically from your checking or savings or via credit card each month.


Give in-person at the church or use one of the outdoor drop boxes.


Give online using the giving form at the bottom of the page.

Text FCCG to 73256 to give online.


Direct a portion of your retirement account's Required Minimum Distribution to the church. 


Make a gift of appreciated stocks or bonds to the church.


Mail your gift to First Congregational Church, 2101 16th St., Greeley, CO 80631

New to church giving or considering increasing your pledge? Here are some ideas that may be helpful!

Considering your family's budget as a reflection of your values, determine a family giving goal that fits within your budget.

If you expect a tax refund,

it can be helpful to budget a percentage of that refund to your church giving.

If you've received a raise or other unexpected income during the year, consider proportionally increasing your pledge.

Set a goal of increasing your pledge by 5% or 10% annually.

Weekly Giving

Monthly Giving

Annual Giving

First Congregational Church
United Church of Christ, Greeley

2101 16th Street

Greeley, CO 80631



Office Hours: 

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Sept. - May)

                                          10:00 am - 3:00 pm (June-Aug.)


Worship Services: Sunday at 8:00 am & 10:00 am, and Online HERE. 

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