First Congregational Church
Rooted in God's Love, Nourished on our spiritual journeys, and
Growing as an inclusive Christian presence in Northern Colorado and beyond.
Current Announcements
Ongoing Events & Activities
Church Choirs
Choirs will resume on Thursday, January 9 at 6pm!
Adult Choirs Meet Every Thursday Evening:
5pm - 6pm: Handbell Choir
6:15pm - 7pm: Social Hour (first Thursdays only)
7pm - 8:30pm: Chancel Choir
​For more information, please reach out to Director of Music, Nicholas Gilmore.
Children's Choirs for kids ages 4 years - 5th grade resume January 12 and meet each Sunday from 9 - 9:45am in the Choir Room. For more information, please reach out to Shona Royle-Grimes.
The youth choir for middle & high school youth meets for the two weeks before each performance. Please reach out to Director of Music Nicholas Gilmore for their current schedule.
Wednesday Night Live
Wednesday Night Live is on winter break and will resume in February! Please join us each Wednesday Night for a time of learning and fellowship for all ages 5 - 105.
5:15pm - 6pm: Shared meal in courtyard (meal schedule below, $5/person or $15/family max)
6pm - 7:15pm: Structured play in gym for kids, Youth Group, Adult Education.
​Meals - We offer a rotating meal each week. Gluten-free and vegetarian options are always available.
Please bring a side dish or dessert to share!
Scripture Seminar
Scripture Seminar (Bible Study) meets each Thursday from 1pm-2pm via Zoom. They are currently working their way through the Gospel of John. Please reach out to Rev. Ben if you are interested in participating!
Interested in Church Membership?
If you are interested in learning more about membership at First Congregational Church, please reach out to Rev. Ben. To learn more about the newest members of our congregation, see the bulletin board in the main hallway!