First Congregational Church
Rooted in God's Love, Nourished on our spiritual journeys, and
Growing as an inclusive Christian presence in Northern Colorado and beyond.
Did you know?
We Offer Live Closed Captioning Weekly.
We are excited to offer live captions with Captional during our 10am service to support those who are hard of hearing, non-native English speakers, and anyone who may benefit from visual support. Follow the steps below to get started with Captional!
If you have any questions or need help setting up the Captional app, please feel free to speak to a staff member or Sunday Morning Host before or after the service. We hope that using Captional helps you feel more connected during our services. Thank you for being part of our community!

Option 1:
Use One of Our Tablets
Just before you enter the sanctuary down the center aisle, you'll find a stand with a number of tablets. Grab a tablet, take it to your seat with you, and you'll be set! No setup, no fuss, just real-time closed captioning, right in your hands! After worship, please return the tablet to the same stand so that we can recharge it and make sure it's ready for you next time.

Option 2:
Use Your Own Smart Device
To download the Captional Viewer app, follow this link. It will take you to the correct app store for your device (Android, Apple, or Amazon Fire). You can also use the link on your computer to access captions through your web browser. (You can also use the QR code just before you enter the sanctuary to go to your app store.)
After installing the app, enter our Room Code: FIRSTCONG. The app will remember the Room Code, so you only need to enter it once.