First Congregational Church
Rooted in God's Love, Nourished on our spiritual journeys, and
Growing as an inclusive Christian presence in Northern Colorado and beyond.
We are so excited to share this year's Vacation Bible School with you. We wanted to connect with you to help you prepare for our amazing Heifer International Experience. Follow the link to learn more about Heifer International and the work they do all over the world to end hunger.
We will sign in at 9 am (table under trees by staff parking area) and meet over by the stairs outside for our opening on both Tuesday and Thursday. The weather looks warm, but not too terribly hot. With that said, we do recommend applying sunscreen to your child prior to arrival, a hat, a mask, and a water bottle (we will have water at snack time). VBS will conclude at 11 am. We would like to start right at 9 am so feel free to come a touch early to sign in.
Please let Jessica or Kathy know if someone other than you will be picking up your child so we can be sure to check your child out to the correct adult. If we do not know the adult we will need to ask for an ID.
What To Expect:
Arts and Crafts (some paint is not washable so wear a shirt that can get dirty)
Sensory Stations (water)
Activities and Games
A Petting Zoo (Thursday)
Please email any photos to: fccgreeleyvbs@gmail.com