First Congregational Church
Rooted in God's Love, Nourished on our spiritual journeys, and
Growing as an inclusive Christian presence in Northern Colorado and beyond.
Godly Play
Sun, May 03
Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language, and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play.

Time & Location
May 03, 2020, 11:00 AM
About the Event
Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language, and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles and developed using a spiral curriculum, the Godly Play method serves children through early, middle and late childhood and beyond.
If you are interested in having your child join us for Godly Play, please contact Robbie Carlson, Minister of Youth & Families robbie@firstconggreeley.com