First Congregational Church
Rooted in God's Love, Nourished on our spiritual journeys, and
Growing as an inclusive Christian presence in Northern Colorado and beyond.
Beginning this Sunday, April 11th, we will once again be offering faith formation programs for our kids during outdoor worship each week moving into the summer!
Following the children's moment, kids aged 3-preschool and pre-k are invited to join the Godly Play group out in the outdoor amphitheater area outside the Sanctuary; and our K-5th grade students will gather in the covered entryway area on the east side of the building outside the chapel and memorial garden. Our teacher companions will gather and escort each group to their location after the children's moment. Parents may meet/pick up their children on the south lawn following worship.
We're looking forward to using an exciting new curriculum for our K-5 group called Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints. We'll learn about people from different faiths and different eras working for more love and justice in their corners of the world, even when that means rocking the religious boat. In particular, the material focuses on the stories of women, those in the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, Indigenous people, and others who are too often written out of religious narratives. These stories move us towards more love and a faith that works for the common good of us all. We hope you'll join us! We will be wearing masks, sanitizing, and maintaining social distancing as much as possible during our time together.
Sunday Mornings​ 11:30 am
Sunday Gatherings via ZOOM
Godly Play (3-5 year-olds/Pre-k/Kindergarten)
Holy Moly (Grades 1-3)
Connect (Grades 4-5)
Sunday Nights
6 pm - Middle School Small Group – Zoom
7 pm - High School Small Group – Zoom
Wednesday Nights
Kids Choir - Zoom
4th Saturday of the month Youth volunteer at Guadalupe Shelter