First Congregational Church
Rooted in God's Love, Nourished on our spiritual journeys, and
Growing as an inclusive Christian presence in Northern Colorado and beyond.

Hooray, hooray, hooray!
We've finally reached the interior construction phase of our In Greeley for Good Capital Campaign! Construction begins tomorrow and is expected to last through October. Thank you SO much to all who stayed a little bit longer on Sunday to help us pick up, put away, hang signs, pound in posts, and prepare - your help made an incredible impact!
We know that many people have questions about the logistics of what the next few months will hold and we're going to do our best to answer all of the Frequently Asked Questions below (they will also be added to our website very soon). We will be providing logistical updates and weekly progress reports (with photos) in each Friday blast, on Facebook and Instagram, and in The Church Bell.
Where will I park and enter for worship?
Parking is available in the lot on the east side of the building (across from the NCMC Emergency Entrance). On Sundays, you can use the entire lot - including the spaces marked as reserved for Sunshine House. Please note that there is not a lot of accessible parking in that lot; if your mobility is not limited, please consider parking a few extra spaces away from the door.
On the building there are many signs that say "Worship Entrance" with arrows to point you in the right direction. There's also a sign on the door that says "Enter Here for Worship." If you need an accessible entrance, you will want to follow the signs to the accessible entrance. They will lead you around the northeast corner of the building, past the steps up to the memorial garden, and to the ramp. The ramp will lead you up to the doors for entry at the columbarium.
What parts of the building will be accessible on Sundays?
The sanctuary and narthex will remain accessible every Sunday through construction. The chapel and columbarium will be accessible all but one Sunday near the end of construction. We'll also have elevator access on Sundays to make the basement accessible.
What will be temporarily relocated downstairs?
The bathrooms, children's worship room, and nursery have all been temporarily relocated to the basement through the construction period. Follow our Rainbow Tape Road that begins by the main entry/exit door to make your way to those spaces!
What about coffee/fellowship hour?
We would be delighted to be able to offer a modified outdoor fellowship hour, but we will need your help to do so! If you'd be willing to bring a snack to share and help set up a few tables/chairs on a Sunday morning, please read this document outlining the responsibilities and then sign up to help here (these sign ups run through July - if you want to sign up for August or September, or if you have any problems with the sign up, please reach out to Laura). Don't want to go it alone? Ask a few friends to join you for a week!
What are the office hours during the week?
The staff will continue to work their regular schedules throughout construction! Without knowing exactly what the environment will be like, we plan to limit office hours, at least through the major demolition phase, to 10am - 2pm Monday - Thursday or by appointment. This will allow staff to be able to work half days in other, quieter parts of the building or off-site if necessary. (Watch the Friday blast for an update on when we'll be able to return to regular hours. We'll go back as soon as we can!)
How will I get in the office or contact the staff?
If you need to enter the building, you may park on the north end of the west lot and follow the signs to the office entrance where you will find a doorbell. For our staff's safety, doors are locked, even during office hours. If you need to access the building outside of office hours, please coordinate with Laura (laura@firstconggreeley.com or 970-616-5352) as far in advance as possible. Laura's days off are Friday and Saturday and she does not typically check email, text, or voicemail on those days.
You can find contact information for all of our staff here.
What is the schedule and how can I keep track of it?
Copies of our construction schedule will be available in the narthex throughout the construction period. Use it to follow along with what's happening in the building. You can also print it here.
Other Miscellaneous Information
If you have questions about the project itself, please reach out to Rev. Ben. If you have questions about timelines or logistics, please reach out to Laura.
If you're excited to share what's happening with your friends, please tag the church and/or use the hashtag #ingreeleyforgood on your social channels!