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Merry Christmas! 


We’re so glad you’re here tonight! 

Please tune your car radio to 90.7FM.

We will broadcast the entire service tonight over the radio.

Please help keep others safe when not in your car or when rolling down your windows to talk to others by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.

O Come, O Come Emmanuel


O come, O come, Emmanuel,

and ransom captive Israel,

that mourns in lonely exile here

until the Son of God appear.


Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

shall come to thee, O Israel!


O come thou Dayspring, come and cheer

our spirits by thine advent here;

And drive away the shades of night,

and pierce the clouds and bring us light! 


Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

shall come to thee, O Israel!


O come, Desire of nations, bind

all peoples in one heart and mind;

Bid envy, strife and quarrels cease;

fill all the world with heaven’s peace.


Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

shall come to thee, O Israel!

Joy to the World


Joy to the world! The Lord is come;

Let earth receive her King!

Let every heart prepare him room,

and heaven and nature sing,

and heaven and nature sing,

and heaven and heaven and nature sing.


Joy to the earth! The Savior reigns;

Let all their songs employ;

While fields and floods,

rocks hills and plains

repeat the sounding joy,

repeat the sounding joy,

repeat, repeat the sounding joy,


He rules the world with truth and grace

and makes the nations prove

the glories of his righteousness,

and wonders of his love,

and wonders of his love,

and wonders, wonders of his love. 

O Little Town of Bethlehem


O little town of Bethlehem,

how still we see thee lie! 

Above thy deep and dreamless sleep

the silent stars go by.

Yet in thy dark streets shineth

the everlasting Light;

The hopes and fears of all the years

are met in thee tonight.


For Christ is born of Mary,

and gathered all above,

while mortals sleep, the angels keep

their watch of wondering love.

O morning stars, together

proclaim the holy birth,

and praises sing to God the King,

and peace to men on earth.


How silently, how silently

the wondrous gift is given;

So God imparts to human hearts

the blessings of his heaven! 

No ear may hear his coming,

but in this world of sin,

where meek souls will receive him still

the dear Christ enters in.

Silent Night


Silent night! Holy night! 

All is calm, all is bright

‘round yon virgin mother and Child,

holy infant so tender and mild;

Sleep in heavenly peace,

sleep in heavenly peace.


Silent night! Holy night! 

Shepherds quake at the sight,

glories stream from heaven afar,

heavenly hosts sing Alleluia,

Christ the Savior is born,

Christ the Savior is born.


Silent night! Holy night! 

Son of God, love’s pure light,

radiant beams from thy holy face,

with the dawn of redeeming grace,

Jesus, Lord, at thy birth,

Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.

First Congregational Church
United Church of Christ, Greeley

2101 16th Street

Greeley, CO 80631



Office Hours: 

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Sept. - May)

                                          10:00 am - 3:00 pm (June-Aug.)


Worship Services: Sunday at 8:00 am & 10:00 am, and Online HERE. 

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